Weekly gROOT Treasury Report #1

Growth DeFi
1 min readMar 8, 2021


The weekly report is divided into two parts:

  • Treasury holdings and changes in BNB and $ value vs last week
  • Upcoming events for gROOT and GRO

gROOT Treasury Holdings

Treasury address: 0xBf70B751BB1FC725bFbC4e68C4Ec4825708766c5

Liquid holdings:

2.516 BNB (592$)


3193.647 BNB/BUSD PancakeSwap LP tokens (109,403$)

2.223 BTCB/BNB PancakeSwap LP tokens (16,249$)

Total holdings of this address: 126,244$ (539.5 BNB)

Treasury address: 0x6248f5783A1F908F7fbB651bb3Ca27BF7c9f5022

Liquid holdings:

BNB (900$)


WBNB (28,614$)

BUSD (21,220$)


WBNB/BSCX (27,414$)
WBNB/AUTO (717$)
WBNB/BUSD (6,124$)

Midas Dollar:

MDO/BUSD (2868$)

Total holdings of this address: 87,857$ (375.46 BNB)

Treasury address: 0x2165fa4a32B9c228cD55713f77d2e977297D03e8

Liquid holdings:

BNB (233$)

AUTO (306$)


BUSD (55,164$)

WBNB/AUTO (30,207$)

Total holdings of this address: 85,910$ (367.14 BNB)

Total holdings of all addresses: 300,011$ (1282.1 BNB)

Average cashflow from farming incentives and swap fees: 2,129$/day (777,085$ annualized)

This is the first weekly report so there is no data to compare to.

Upcoming Events

  • GRO Bridge making GRO available on both BSC and ETH
  • GRO/gROOT Farming Pool
  • gROOT Harvest (Stake your gROOT and get BNB)
  • GRO Yield (Stake your GRO and get BNB)

If you have any questions feel free to join our Telegram and ask.



Growth DeFi

https://growthdefi.com/ Leveraging the power of DeFi protocols to maximize capital efficiency